OK, well, brief moment of seriousness here (I'll refrain for the moment from snarking him on the Missionaries=Snake Oil Salesmen cheap shot on the end of his latest post). We all love Ned and want him to be happy and find a job, and I am convinced the collective smarts and creativity of the Nacle can actually do something useful and beneficial instead of just blather pedantically in a gratuitous bout of narcissistic self-absorption.

So, here we go friends (and you Snark Haters out there too!), lets all find Ned a job. We know from his most recent post he has been sending out resumes to retail chains, so that gives us a starting point. What else can we seriously suggest for him?

How about doing medical records data entry from home? Not the highest paying around, but it could be something to hold him over until something better comes along. Ned obviously has a computer at home. How fast can you type?

Next idea. Ned lives in quaint New England, which is loaded with old stuff and things, also known as "antiques". If Ned has any experience with antiques, how about an online business through EBay? This would require some up front capital to acquire said old stuff and there would be the need to learn about what is junk and what isn't, if he doesn't already know something about it. Perhaps start out slowly learning about some obscure niche and making some savvy purchases at garage sales and around the neighborhood and slowly working your way into it. There were plenty of Shakers in and around Ned's environs, and Shaker antiques are valuable.

Another EBay idea. There are people on EBay who sell Ikea stuff that is not available through the online Ikea web page simply because they are conveniently located near an Ikea outlet. They list it at or near what Ikea charges, then when purchases come in they go and get them and make their money on the shipping and handling. One would assume they are also doing their purchasing with some sort of credit card that offers cash back or rewards. Is there anything there near Ned that is unique and hard to find that is locally produced and desirable to others elsewhere? If so, see if anyone is already selling it on EBay and if not, try it out.

OK, people, what else can we suggest to Ned? Amway=Bad, Clever idea=Good. If anyone suggests something that results in Ned getting a job, they'll get a MStP t-shirt.


Anonymous said... @ March 8, 2006 at 6:58 AM

Flanders, since you are applying for retail jobs, I assume 10.00/hr would meet the immediate need. Here's what I'd do:

1. Call every temp agency in the phone book today and tell them you need work right away. You can state your preferences, like office, customer service, etc.

2. Go in to as many of them as you can today and fill out their paperwork and interview. Let them meet you and see how wonderful you are. Believe me, in some companies all you need to do to stand out is be normal.

If the temp industry in New England works the way it does where I live, you'll be working in a day or two and have a paycheck by next Friday.

I don't know if you would feel comfortable contacting LDS employment services, but I know for sure that they would be eager to help. If you go that way, you'll need a referral from your bishop.

Best of luck, man. It feels odd to say that I want to pray for a character from the Simpsons, but I will be thinking about you and hoping for the best.

Best of luck, man.

john scherer said... @ March 8, 2006 at 7:53 AM

Why not open a store that specializes in items for left handed people?

Stephen said... @ March 8, 2006 at 12:45 PM

I'm sorry, I thought he had a job, didn't realize he was still unemployed.

Medical entry coders in the D/FW metroplex area get up to $23.00 an hour.

He might want to apply for orderly work at his local hospitals. From there he can move up to certified nurses aid and in a year and a half, while working the whole time, become a licensed vocational nurse. From there it is real work, but many RNs make $70k+ a year working PRN.

Ariel said... @ March 8, 2006 at 1:06 PM

Many RN's? Try "a small minority." The average wages are still around 35k/year.

There's always someone hiring if you're willing to stoop low enough. Ned, do you live near the state mental hospital? They'll usually train anyone who's willing to work.

Sarebear said... @ March 8, 2006 at 3:02 PM

Hey, Ariel, are you implying that working at a mental hospital is "stooping low"?

I've never been admitted to a psych ward yet, but since that possibility exists within my lifetime at one (or more) possible points in the future, or another . . .

Even if it wasn't a possibility, for me, I still find it a bit insulting to those with mental illness, and to those who care for them.

(SuperMentalHealthAdvocateAndAnti-StigmaPerson is on the scene . . . )lol

Stephen said... @ March 8, 2006 at 3:45 PM

Many RN's? Try "a small minority." The average wages are still around 35k/year

In Plano, Texas and environs, for RNs working PRN (vs as employees), the average is right at $35.00 an hour.

PRN employment usually pays twice what working as an employee does. Of course you get no benefits at all, but if your spouse has benefits, it is a way to double your income.

NFlanders said... @ March 9, 2006 at 1:32 AM

I am genuinely touched, Snarky. And by you, anonymous, for wanting to pray for me.

I'm basically just looking for an office job. I can do data entry for hours if they let me listen to my iPod. I just had an interview at a temp agency on Friday, so hopefully I'll start getting some work.

Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions. Not quash the RN controversy, but I get queasy just thinking about hospitals. Plus, I'm a bit of a germaphobe, so that's probably the last place I should be working.

My dream job is working at Borders, and taking home all my pay in the form of new books. Unfortunately, they haven't seen fit to call me back.

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