we should remember that the real reason for the season on is the birth of our savior. The focus should not be on things, on the getting of gifts, or the boasting of our material possessions. This season, many people are getting little or nothing, due to high unemployment and a recession. So, let's focus on being together with our families, doing service for those in need, and giving thanks for our chance at redemption.

I'm sure Kevin Barney would totally agree with me.


Yes, I've already blogged/snarked about this a little bit, but Ardis just keeps on providing such amazing fodder, I can't help it. However, here I'm just going to contrast two quotes from her:
First quote:

Just don’t take it as hateful or mean when you can’t convince us that you’re right.

Second quote:
retailing a story you can’t really vouch for festers in your soul, poisons any discussion about charity

Why on earth would anyone take that as hateful or mean? I mean, she just accussed him of preistcraft because he's making money off of it (she said he was doing it "retail" after all). Clearly she's only concerned with the welfare of his eternal salvation.


No, I have not abandoned my roots. I'm just grafting them on to a different purpose (how's that for a tortured metaphor. Oh, no - I'm torturing metaphors. Perhaps Dan will insist I be prosecuted).

Anyway, now that this is my new home for Snark, perhaps Bridget Jack Meyers will feel okay. I recall when I snarked her she said "I knew I’d get mentioned on one of those poo-flinging Mormon blogs eventually, but I was hoping it would be the Snarkernacle . . . where the put-downs actually show some semblance of wit . . . This is like getting a Golden Globe when I was hoping for an Oscar."

Well, here I am. Now that I'm here, you have that Oscar after all. Hopefully the move will improve my wit (doubtful).

On to more recent snark. Snark on, tally ho, and all that. No need to hunt for snarks, they're all here! No need to fear - we have no Boojums. Ardis is a Boojum, since if you anger her, you disappear under her self-righteous wrath.


Steve Evans wades into the powder keg, lobs a molotov cocktail, gets raked over the coals, then issues an apology:

Lisa, never mind! I apologize for any insult my question could have conveyed. I meant to question the propriety and usefulness of the exercise you’re engaging in here — I see that this sort of inquiry is not the point, and so I will bow out.

All, sorry to disappoint you with my relentlessly insulting comments that are always completely devoid of any meaningful contribution.

And then, *poof* He vanishes! Along with all his comments!

I always knew Steve Evans had magical powers! He truly is the Admin God of the Bloggernacle!

Rusty picks up the baton, questions the futility of this week's kvetch-a-thon, and ups the ante saying he's "disappointed" in fmhLisa.

Steve and Rusty are clearly oblivious to the annual Festivus tradition of the "airing of grievances".

Get some religious sensitivity, you two.