Yes, its true, Heather and Nate are moving, and they want you to know that so both of them are blogging in parallel to make sure everyone on the Nacle who reads them is fully tuned in to their zany, madcap lives of fun and kooky experiences where everything turns out well in the end. Nate also wants you to know what he looks like.

Um, Nate and Heather, since you can question our motives, are we allowed to now question yours?

With that same special love you hold for us,

The Snarker
President Emeritus
SN Industries LTD

P.S., next time, try a realtor's website that plugs you directly into the MLS so you can do searches on houses around where you are looking to buy. That way you don't have to rely on the Mormon Mafia, which sometimes requires onerous paybacks.


Anonymous said... @ March 21, 2006 at 8:32 AM

If emeritus means only coming out to post whenever you get irked by Nate Oman, this is not going to be much of a retirement.

Snarkimus Prime said... @ March 21, 2006 at 8:58 AM

The Snarker chose to respond in like manner to Nate's missive on the Snarker, which was linked to. If Nate it allowed to comment on the Snarker, then the Snarker is allowed to comment on Nate.

Anonymous said... @ March 21, 2006 at 9:32 AM

Nate's peevish response to the Snarker is ironic indeed, given his stated position that the lowly nacle readers would be well served to simply imbibe his wisdom without comment. Oops, I guess maybe I shouldn't have responded.

Nate said... @ March 21, 2006 at 9:34 AM

"...given his stated position that the lowly nacle readers would be well served to simply imbibe his wisdom without comment..."

Funny, I don't recall that as being my position...

Anonymous said... @ March 21, 2006 at 10:04 AM

Of course you don't.

Anonymous said... @ March 21, 2006 at 10:11 AM

Nate looks like Fox Mulder in that pic. Does Heather look like Dana Scully? I want to believe.

Guy Murray said... @ March 21, 2006 at 11:02 AM

I'm with Nate on this one. Your post here, and many others are not "having fun at the bloggernacle's expense", rather than are just mean spirited and in poor taste.

Snarkimus Prime said... @ March 21, 2006 at 11:14 AM

Guy, anyone who brown noses Nate on his own blog has pretty questionable taste.

Why don't you and Nate start up a He Man Snarker Hater Club and see how popular you are? Very likely you will win Best New Blog of 2006.

Heather O. said... @ March 21, 2006 at 1:32 PM

Oh, please, Snarky, get a life. Snarking on the simple fact that we are MOVING seems pretty pathetic, even for you. And that's saying a lot.

Guy Murray said... @ March 21, 2006 at 1:36 PM

You can ad hominem my "taste" or my looks, or my writing, or my intelligence, or anything else you can think of; however, that will never change the fact that you run a blog, the sole purpose of which is to denigrate, belittle, and caricature other people for the sake of a so called laugh. And, you do it as an anonymous coward. Maybe it's just me, but I see nothing praiseworthy, lovely, or of good report in that.

Snarkimus Prime said... @ March 21, 2006 at 2:21 PM

Heather O., so, tell me, why is it OK for you and your husband to throw personal attacks around, but its not OK for anyone to hurl personal attacks at the two of you? And, is there nothing more exciting in your life that you have to tell the entire Nacle that you are moving? Blogging on moving is pathetic.

Guy Murray, you soloblog on a "group" blog on current events under the lame pretense of it being like the old M&A, then you whine and cast aspersions. When someone calls you on it, you turn on them with the same ad hominems you fault others for. Nice, Guy, real nice. Are you going to start shouting "I know you are, but what am I?"

Anonymous who thinks its Steve Evans. Your stupidity is showing. Its not Steve Evans.

Kaimi said... @ March 21, 2006 at 3:04 PM

"You can ad hominem my "taste" or my looks, or my writing, or my intelligence, or anything else you can think of; however, that will never change the fact that you run a blog, the sole purpose of which is to denigrate, belittle, and caricature other people for the sake of a so called laugh. And, you do it as an anonymous coward. Maybe it's just me, but I see nothing praiseworthy, lovely, or of good report in that. "

I'm scoring that one as Guy Murray 10, Snarker 0.

"Blogging on moving is pathetic."

Snarkeypoo, if blogging-about-moving is pathetic, then what do we call blogging-about-blogging-about-moving? Pathetic and derivative, perhaps?

Heather O. said... @ March 21, 2006 at 3:08 PM

Look, Snarkums, attack whoever and whatever you want, I just think it's pretty lame that you are attacking us for...for...MOVING! How dare we.

Wow, I really hope the Snarker is not Steve Evans. Both Nate and Kaimi have stuck up for the guy more than once, and both consider him a personal friend. Nice way to treat a friend.

Nate Oman said... @ March 21, 2006 at 3:38 PM

For what it is worth (not much), I don't think that the Snarker is Steve Evens, if for no other reason than that Steve is consistently more witty than at least the strident Snarker.

As for therapy and blogging, I think that it goes without saying that virtually all regular bloggers would probably benefit from therapy...

Tracy M said... @ March 21, 2006 at 4:01 PM

Blogging ISN'T therapy???

Guy Murray said... @ March 21, 2006 at 4:04 PM

"Guy Murray, you soloblog on a "group" blog on current events under the lame pretense of it being like the old M&A, then you whine and cast aspersions. When someone calls you on it, you turn on them with the same ad hominems you fault others for. Nice, Guy, real nice. Are you going to start shouting "'I know you are, but what am I?'"

Is this the funny part yet? Are we having laughs yet? You will wake me when I am supposed to be laughing?

Snarkimus Prime said... @ March 21, 2006 at 6:03 PM

Kaimi and Heather O.,

Since both of you are too dense to recognize what the original intent of the post was, allow me to spell it out to you: Nate, in his blog post that I linked to, was questioning the SnarkerNacle's motives, and in linking to that I then asked him if we could now question his motives in like manner? In an earlier version, which we edited, we made a much more pointed statement, which was pretty much as follows: Why is it Nate and Heather get to sling personal attacks and criticize others on the Nacle, but the Nacle cannot do it back? Why does Nate get to discuss the Snarker, and Snarker cannot discuss Nate? And, more germane, why are Nate and Heather dragging the Nacle through their personal lives and telling us about the move in the first place? So, tell us, Heather and Nate, why are you blogging about something so mundane as moving and looking for a house? Do you have nothing else to blog about, or are you trying to tell the Nacle something else? Is it that you want everyone to know Nate got that job at William & Mary? So then everyone will know how clever Nate is, and that he finally has got his foot into the door of academia? Praise Nate, all ye T&S faithful, at his brilliance and success!!! That is what I was getting at, you dimwits. But, at the behest of the Moarch, I edited out that stuff, because some people felt it was too harsh. Yes, indeed, too harsh.


Like your point scoring system is objective and without bias. Had Guy made reference to bewbs or his secret lust for Rusty then he would have gotten 20 points. So has Guy sufficiently ingratiated himself to be the next guest blogger at T&S? I hope so, I can hardly wait for some stunning Mormon current events posts at T&S.


Nobody is forcing you to read this blog, or even asking you to. If you don't like it, don't read it. If you don't find it amusing, don't read it. Nobody is paying you to read it. Nobody here cares what you think. You are defending people who are guilty of everything you accuse us of, so all you are doing is playing favorites in an effort to ingratiate yourself. You think our blog is lousy and not serving its intended purpose? Take a look at your own, mote picker. Think our blog is unfunny? Then maybe its your sense of humor that is busted. No, no, of course not. No, you and your self-righteous pals who fault others for what they themselves do, who have nothing better to do than talk about themselves are the ones who are right. Yep, that is it.


You are as clever as the other antagonists here, and are in good company with their likes: clueless, arrogant, self-absorbed and dead wrong.

Heather O. said... @ March 22, 2006 at 5:26 AM


I give up. You win.

Just for the record, though, I would like to point out that neither my post nor Nate's post on moving mentioned Williamsburg, or the new job. You made that an issue all on your own.

Snarkimus Prime said... @ March 22, 2006 at 5:38 AM

Um, Heather, Nate's T&S post explicitly referenced, and I quote, "Williamsburg".

Anonymous said... @ March 22, 2006 at 6:25 AM

In addition to mentioning Williamsburg, Nate also mentioned that the move was in the "tidewater" region and that the new job was on a campus. I guess he wanted to make sure that people got the message. Too bad Nate's not the president's son in law. He probably could have landed a job at Yale.

Snarkimus Prime said... @ March 22, 2006 at 6:38 AM

File under "Thick as Thieves":

Kaimi uses the T&S sidebar to bad mouth the snarker and give props to Heather O.

"Smart, sweet, kind, and generally likable blogger taking temporary break after relentless badgering from anonymous bully-stalker. (Kaimi)"

And the mouseover says "Hope to see you back around here soon, Heather. The nacle wouldnt be the..."

So, Kaimi, why is it that when Heather O and Nate O bashes us, that is OK? But, if we bash them it is "relentless badgering" and "bully-stalk[ing]"? This just proves our point that T&S is populated by a bunch of self-absorbed self-promoters. Nate, Heather and Kaimi can use personal attacks and insults, but since they are the Kings and Queens of the Nacle, don't you dare insult them or call them on it. Be warned all ye peasant foes of the T&S Nobility, Duke Kaimi will bad mouth you in the T&S sidebar if you dare to speak ill of the King & Queen of Nacledom!

john scherer said... @ March 22, 2006 at 9:38 AM

Can't we all just get along?

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