Aaron B. Cox knows his colors, and do not doubt that this Spring the color is Black. Yes, black is the new white. This Spring's lineup will include skepticism tinged with existentialist doubt, entirely lacking any gray, because gray is straight out this season! Look at this stunner to the left, no gray there, girls! Yes, Aaron is freeing you from those wishy-washy in-between shades of gray that clutter the religio-spiritual mind, doing some Spring cleaning and clearing out the cobwebs of confusion! Sure, you're culturally Mormon, but your'e also a secular scientist, smarter than all those uneducated believing dim-witted peasants. Leave no doubt about it when you show them your true colors! Put that one foot forward into the world in a dress that shows them where you are coming from.

Never fear boys! Aaron has been designing for you too! Here he is modeling his newly redesigned Spinozist Secularized ensemble, entirely in black, naturally. It makes a wonderful contrast to your whites when you head off to Ward Temple Night!

Make the scene in these incredible new threads, designed by none other than Mr. Rocket Science himself, Aaron B. Cox! Lets give him a nice round of applause folks, and bring him out on the run way one last time this evening!


Christian Y. Cardall said... @ February 24, 2006 at 9:13 AM

Great stuff, Snarker! With this and the Macbeth piece, you're really on a roll, I'd say. You've redeemed yourself from your careless missed opportunity.

At the risk of this not being the proper venue to make a serious point, I want to give a piece of beyond-fashion advice related to the second-to-last paragraph. I don't think it's a good idea to put white and black on and off casually. If you must wear black, consider leaving temple whites aside for awhile unless you regain confidence that black is not for you---after all, can you really answer the first recommend question affirmatively? Also if you must wear black, especially publicly, even if you attend Church every week consider seriously whether such public declarations are consistent with taking the sacrament, in which one covenants to take upon oneself the name of Christ, be a witness at all times, etc. Even if one wears black it's a matter of integrity to show respect for how white conceives of itself, and not pretend you're wearing it and taking it off at will.

Snarkimus Prime said... @ February 24, 2006 at 10:07 AM

ABC/CYC, how could I use the MStP ref when I cast you as grasshoppa? The MStP is only used on adversaries, and not on students.

Thanks for the fashion tip, Mr. Johnny Cash-wanna-be.

jeff g said... @ February 24, 2006 at 11:01 AM

I can just imagine Christian pointing at the camera and saying in a loud voice: "I have something to say concerning these people!"

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