Voting is done for the Best & Worst April Fools and the results are pretty predictable:

BCC's impressive effort easily took first place, followed up by MA's spoof of LDSdefect. Those six who voted for T&S as "best", lets see, DKL, SKL, Kaimi and three more T&S permabores would be my guess.

The Worsts were also pretty predictable too, with T&S's weak effort scraping the bottom of the barrel.

T&S's was so, lame....they did it on March 31! Not even an April Fool! And it is clear only Kaimi had anything to do with it.

    Kaimi: Let's do an April Fool.
    T&S: But that's conference Saturday and we must have a serious discussion of GenConf. We must have an Open Thread up to ensure that traffic comes our way over the weekend. We cannot sully our Very Serious blog with such silliness.
    Kaimi: OK, I'll do something the day before.
    T&S: If you must Kaimi, if you must. Sigh.
And we have to wonder who that one was who voted against the MA's spoof of LDSdefect...like it isn't totally obvious. And to all you SnarkHaters out there, we give you a big kiss! You are why we are here doing what we do! Luv ya!


cantinflas said... @ April 4, 2006 at 8:10 AM

You're assumptions are wrong on all counts. I voted T&S for best, and I'm no blogger. It surprised me (maybe the day early thing) and made me laugh.

I voted yours worst because I thought it was kinda lame, but I'm no hater, I'm a daily reader. You're in my first box at ldselect. Also, I thought the Lord of the Rings spoof was really annoying, and rather outdated already. Welcome to 2006. I didn't even see the MA gag because I never made a habit of going to that site. Why would I want someone else to tell me which blogs are a priority?

Anonymous said... @ April 4, 2006 at 8:57 AM

"You're assumptions are wrong on all counts... I'm no blogger....I'm no hater, I'm a daily reader... You're in my first box at ldselect....the Lord of the Rings spoof was really annoying, and rather outdated already. Welcome to 2006... I didn't even see the MA gag because I never made a habit of going to that site. Why would I want someone else to tell me which blogs are a priority?"

Uh, thanks DKL. Good to see you have a new moniker.

HP said... @ April 4, 2006 at 8:57 AM

Because we care, cantinflas, because we care.

Snarkimus Prime said... @ April 4, 2006 at 8:59 AM


Our assumptions are wrong? How can that be? You mean we are a bunch of biased critics who just sit around and sarcastically poke fun at people, distorting things and making insinuations based on improbable intentions and meanings? No way.

Its true, ours was kind of lame. Our excuse is that we do this all the time, so the one serious day of the year for us should be April Fools Day, but that is entirely too boring.

Why would you want someone else to tell you which blogs are a priority? Um, well, because they...uh...have been around longer...so they know more about the bloggernacle than you...and...errrr...know...more.... Yeah, well, alright, but that eye of Horus thing, come on!

Christian Y. Cardall said... @ April 4, 2006 at 9:26 AM

I own up to being one of the six.

Stephen said... @ April 5, 2006 at 4:55 AM

Yeah, well, alright, but that eye of Horus thing, come on

I kind of like that ...

Stephen said... @ April 5, 2006 at 4:16 PM

Anyone have a link to an archived version of the MA April Fool's joke?

I missed that one.

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