Apparently yesterday was Nacle Bash Men day. Elisabeth says all Mormon men are a bunch of blubbering whiney sissies, and a bunch of guys vainly try to convincer her otherwise. Kristen points out that all men are effectively a bunch of idiots when it comes to getting gifts for the fairer sex, so she gives all them buhdoinks some guidance, since Christmas is just around the corner. And TMILisa vents her frusrations about Joseph's allegedly less-than-entirely-forthright dalliances with other wives, covert or otherwise, what a strong woman Emma must have been to have put up with all that. The best on that thread was when a bunch of men sit around and argue about Smith's alleged dalliances, Not Ophelia steps in and tells them to shut up because they are boring her. Sweet. Had the conversation been among women, would it have been more interesting to her?

I dunno. So, are all men lame, or are these women just suffering with lame men in their lives, so they assume all men are lame? Or is everyone just lame and pointing out anyone else is lame just kinda lame. Buncha lamers. Glad I am a dog.


Steve EM said... @ December 15, 2005 at 2:27 PM

At a lame concert people request Freebird. What should women request when things get lame w/thier man?

Kristen J said... @ December 15, 2005 at 10:01 PM

It's just the lame leading the lame.

enochville said... @ December 16, 2005 at 7:31 AM

I believe that the Lord would have men and women be of one heart and mind. He has said if ye are not one, ye are not mine. I believe Satan is the author of the "battle of the sexes". It is not becoming of us to promote animosity.

Anonymous said... @ December 17, 2005 at 9:40 AM

Had the conversation been among women, would it have been more interesting to her?

Nah. Boring is boring & tedious is tedious be it XX or XY.


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