One of Z's D's is hating Mormons, because, unlike her, they are bitter, angry, unforgiving people who find fault with others, harbor grudges, hang on to lingering resentment and generally fail to live that Christian principle of forgiving one another, moving on with life, and trying to make the world a better place to live. And, rightly so, since Mormons are all a completely homogeneous group of clones who act and think alike (naturally, with the exception of this particular Z's D) and are so intrinsically flawed, they are the literal spawn of Satan who's individual acts invalidate the authority of God and make His Truths a lie.

Fortunately, this Z's D has brought this truth to light for the Bloggernacle, which stinks, because it is a pile of Mormons.


Todd Wood said... @ February 19, 2007 at 10:38 AM

Snarkimus Prime, what hope do you offer people in their sinful struggles alongside all the piles of sarcasm?

Isaiah was a king of stinging sarcasm but look at the hope he offered.

(btw, I have had lasik surgery)

Seraphine said... @ February 19, 2007 at 12:45 PM

You obviously didn't read the post very carefully. She was complaining that Mormons can be manipulative and passive aggressive, and that they sometimes engage in very inappropriate behavior.

Rather than an angry, bitter, unforgiving woman who won't forgive others for similar faults, I see an angry woman who is being manipulated into acting in socially acceptable ways, and who is trying to make sense of being told that she has committed wrongdoings while everyone simultaneously refuses to tell her what those wrongdoings are. I'm glad to see that you have no such reserve.

Of course, you still have room for improvement. You could show yourself to be different from the other Mormons she's encountered: you could eliminate your passive-aggressive criticism and compassionately express your concerns in response to her post rather than misrepresenting her words elsewhere.

Anonymous said... @ February 19, 2007 at 2:06 PM

I don't know this poster, but I've met women like her. Nothing makes them happy. NOTHING. As in zero. zilch. They could be given 5 million dollars and proclaimed queen of the world and everybody could bow down, and they would only remember how the sun was in their eyes when the crown was placed, and the roses weren't very scented, and blah de blah.

Basically, all you can do is be cordial enough to try and escape the vitriolic hatred, but spend enough time with anybody like that, and eventually you will become the target.

I will bet anyone large amounts of money she has an undiagnosed personality disorder. She has serious mental health issues that need to be addressed immediately if she is ever to find peace.

There's at least a healthy dose of paranoia in there, as well as other things. (I would bet she has BPD or Borderline Personality Disorder)

She should be treated immediately. Unfortunately,people like that are very hard to treat since nothing is ever their fault.
They also remember things differently, and even if you videotape exactly what happened and showed it to them, they would accuse of doctoring the tape somehow to make them look bad. I am dead serious. History is constantly rewritten, almost instantaneously in some cases, so it's virtually impossible to know what actually happened, since they truly believe their verison of events.

Snarkimus Prime said... @ February 19, 2007 at 6:23 PM

todd wood,

Why would we care if you have had Lasik? Glad you like Isaiah, maybe you should spend more time reading it instead of trolling on Mormon blogs.


Misrepresent her words? Get a dictionary and look up the word "sarcasm".

Passive-aggressive criticism? You obviously have no idea what "passive aggressive" means. We are not passive aggressive. We are deliberately and belligerently sarcastic and ironic, nothing passive aggressive here. Look it up.

Your sister is blaming everyone around her for her problems, and refusing to take any responsibility for them. People have to tell her what her problems are? Is not it obvious if anyone told her what her problems are she would be totally deaf to them? Instead of enabling her by making excuses, you should tell her straight up to stop whining and do something constructive about her situation. Whining on the Bloggernacle and seeking like-minded individuals to corroborate and reinforce her negative opinions about how awful Mormons are is destructive to herself and an ineffective means of dealing with her obvious problems.

Ex-Mo said... @ February 19, 2007 at 7:38 PM

Thank you for this post. Satan and I are dancing around and rubbing our hands together with glee as you push Amalthea further from the church. Amalthea, step away from the sarcastic condescending people who want to "fix" you, and come to the dark side!

Seraphine said... @ February 19, 2007 at 7:43 PM


I am familiar with the meaning of sarcasm. My family are experts at sarcasm, and I learned how to communicate in sarcasm when I learned how to talk. And your post, while not completely devoid of sarcasm, was heavy-handed and critical rather than witty or ironic (which, in my mind, are the essentials of good sarcasm). And in my book, if you're criticizing someone behind their back rather than to their face, that's passive-aggressive.

And again, you obviously did not read the post carefully. She was not trying to shirk responsibility. For example, she deliberately explained how she attempted to figure out how she had offended her roommate (and acted like an adult, since she was trying to resolve the problem with the person rather than going behind that person's back), and what her bishop's concerns were, and they refused to tell her. I fail to see how this is "avoiding responsibility."

I agree that she should do something constructive, but we differ on this point: I see expressing frustration about problematic interactions and getting feedback from others about possible solutions (and there's been a lot of great feedback) as a constructive tactic.

Seraphine said... @ February 19, 2007 at 7:49 PM

anonymous, diagnosing someone with Borderline Personality Disorder after reading a short blog post? Please tell me what psychiatric disorder I suffer from, since you are obviously such an expert. (You now have three whole comments to work with! Though, you could go read some of my posts, if three comments aren't quite enough for an expert such as yourself.)

ZD Eve said... @ February 19, 2007 at 7:59 PM

Snarkimus, I'm very disappointed to see that you have not been keeping up on your ZD personalities! Amalthea isn't Seraphine's sister. She's mine.

Please review our family relationships carefully for the upcoming pop quiz. The winner will receive a complete set of ZD baseball-glamour shot cards, with our individual feminist profiles and blogging statistics, courtesy of my brother Ziff, on the back.

Anonymous, we've already discussed the impossibility of online diagnosis by an unqualified stranger based on a single post over on the thread itself. See the conversation there for further details.

It sounds like you've had some painful run-ins with some personally disordered folks, which I can certainly understand would be frustrating. But it's really unfortunate that you would take that frustration out on a complete stranger by making a series of unwarranted and cruel assumptions. Your "diagnosis" is made in anything but a spirit of compassion--it's a way of labelling and dismissing someone you don't even know as untreatably mentally ill on the flimsiest of pretexts and rubbing it in her face that she is wrong, wrong, wrong. Given that you have no way of knowing the reality of the situation--and therefore no basis for your assertions that she is paranoid and distorting that reality--it says a lot about you that you are so eager to leap to such damning conclusions.

Snarkimus Prime said... @ February 20, 2007 at 5:13 AM

Hurray for exmos!


Sorry, but something tells me that posting negative comments onto Z's D's will just get them deleted. And posting on SnarkerNacle is not "behind someone's back" as SN is a well-known public forum. And your definition of passive-aggressive is still wrong, look it up.

Look, hun, I can appreciate you want to defend your angry little sister there, but her behavior is pretty much the opposite of what you yourself posted. In your follow-up post, you detailed the typical, normal human reaction to having to deal with a jerk. Contrast that with her reaction. Where you take inventory of the situation, come up with a rational response, compromise, endure, and then move on afterwards, your little sis there holds on to everything, takes no responsability for difficulties, blames everyone for everything else, dredges up irrelevant, unrelated nonsense from years ago and then escalates everything to extreme levels by demanding the church is not true and she is going to leave. That is absurd.


Sorry, it is hard to keep track of who is who there. Please post a map or family tree or something like that.

Anonymous said... @ February 20, 2007 at 8:09 AM


Sorry, but Almathea does come across as mentally unstable, if not totally insane. Never met the woman, of course, and she could be a lovely, pleasant, swell gal. But take it for what it's worth: Her post makes her sound like she's utterly bananas.

Kiskilili said... @ February 20, 2007 at 8:36 AM

"your little sis there holds on to everything, takes no responsability for difficulties, blames everyone for everything else, dredges up irrelevant, unrelated nonsense from years ago and then escalates everything to extreme levels by demanding the church is not true and she is going to leave."

It's interesting you've reached this conclusion about Lady Amalthea after reading the statement "I think God wants me in the Mormon Church, which is the primary reason why I stay." Lady Amalthea may not be the only one with a tendency to "escalate everything to extreme levels" and misconstrue others' words.

As I read her post, her central problem is that no one around her (IRL) will tell her what she has done wrong. I agree the she should take responsibility for her behavior, but how can she realistically do that without knowing what it is that she's done?

Snarkimus Prime said... @ February 20, 2007 at 9:19 AM

Yeah, Kiskillilli, I really miscontrue her words when she says "I hate Mormons" and talks about leaving the church because everyone is trying to manipulate her. Uh huh, got it.

The very idea that she is sitting there in complete ignorance of what it is she could possibly be doing to offend and irritate people around her is just preposterous. How is it she cannot figure out what it is that upsets these people? Is she that in denial? Here is one for you: maybe people find it offensive that she publicly whines and bellyaches about private affairs and totally distorts them in an effort get herself some sympathy from enablers? I would love to hear the point of view of the roommate who feared for her personal safety and the Bishop who allegedly disclosed personal and private information and allegedly insinuated she had a chastity problem by asking her what her understanding of the Law of Chastity is. Sorry, but almost every Temple Recommend interview I have been in for the past 10+ years has had the indentical question, and nobody was suggesting I wasn't living it, they just wanted to make sure everyone was on the same page. Anyone who isn't totally stuck in denial can figure out what it is they do that irritates people.

Why don't you have Lady A come on over here and make her case and let me ask her some pointed questions, where the admins cannot delete, edit or take away.

Lynnette said... @ February 21, 2007 at 12:03 AM

I don't know this poster, but I've met women like her. Nothing makes them happy. NOTHING. As in zero. zilch. They could be given 5 million dollars and proclaimed queen of the world and everybody could bow down, and they would only remember how the sun was in their eyes when the crown was placed, and the roses weren't very scented, and blah de blah.

That's so interesting, because I've met blogs and bloggers like this. No matter what the Bloggernacle does, they're never happy; they just keep writing posts along the lines of "Why I Hate the Bloggernacle." I have to agree with the following sentiment:

Basically, all you can do is be cordial enough to try and escape the vitriolic hatred, but spend enough time with anybody like that, and eventually you will become the target.


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