Let's get stoned, man! tmiLisa will be there, too! Here's a synopsis of her panel discussion:

The appearance of a "popular" new blog, “Feminist Mormon Housewives,” signals the rise of a new wave of feminism within sidestream online Mormonism as another generation of Mormon women confronts the problems of dirty diapers and frequency of sexual relations among married Church members.

How is blogging—-with its capacity to reach large numbers of people without requiring anything of them but donations to pay the bills and keep your blog operating--affecting the possibilities of feminism within the LDS Church?

Will pay-as-you-read Internet sex-talk forums help Mormon women be more aware of the problems of gender inequity in the Church and enable them to meet these challenges without being forced to choose between Mormonism and online exhibitionism?
Don't miss this event, folks. It's sure to be a humdinger!


Anonymous said... @ June 28, 2006 at 3:38 AM

I dunno, from the conversation at FMH, it looks like a lot of them won't even end up going to Sunstone because they will be too busy watching Buffy reruns and eating popcorn.

If she can get herself away from the TV, Lisa will no doubt put FMH's best foot forward with one of her crazy rants that turns out to be a tempest in a teapot.

Sunstone and BuffyFest, an incomparable combination of science fiction. Could there possibly be a RenFaire in the area, to make it a trifecta?

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